Tag Archive | paleo

Day 7 (and 8,9 & 10)

Morning, morning! Sorry for the late blog – I’ve been sooo busy and tired lately – but this is a draft I’ve been working on since Wednesday. So just pretend its Wednesday and then jump in the air when you realise its Saturday!!

So I’ve been dairy, wheat and sugar free for a week now. What’s happened you wonder.

Well, my eczema on my hands has cleared up – a lot. I’m not ripping it to shreds too often. The bloat in my face has gone. I still have a little redness in the face (which may or may not be eczema). I’m feeling good!

It’s not as hard as I thought it would be. I have had to replace a few of my store cupboard products though, like stock. Most have wheat and milk in them.

It’s a gorgeous day here in Ramsgate, Kent. (SE England) about 19C.

So, my weight.

Start weight on 8/04/15: 157 lbs, 11.3, 71 kilos.

Today’s weight: 154.4 lbs, 11.0, 70

So close to cracking into a lower number! I think I am probably having too many carbs, like potato and gluten free bread. I’m finding it hard to resist the bread if I have it in the house.

Woo me! Still not bad.

Things I’ve been eating & drinking:
Tea with almond milk if I am at home, or black coffee if I go out

Egg scrambles with spinach, broccoli, bacon; homemade burgers and homemade chips, (look at the ingredients of your oven chips – many have wheat in them??HOW!!) I am loving fruit salads at the moment too. I didn’t really eat a lot of fruit before, but I can’t get enough at the moment. I do need to be careful though as it’s fructose – no matter how many times you say ‘yeah but it’s natural sugar’ I’m still gonna know its sugar. I do agree with eating fruit instead of something bad though.

Found Kallo dark chocolate rice cakes – vegan so they are dairy free. Um yum. I need to put them down!

Ok – we are now in the present – it’s Saturday yay!! Ha ha, I am a stay at home mum so you could say every day is Saturday.

Yesterday I went to my sisters for a cream tea. I said I wouldn’t have any scones or milk in my tea. But I felt bad and ended up eating one scone with jam (no clotted cream) and black tea. There was wheat and milk in the scones. I thought ah well, it won’t kill me. These were also everyone else’s words.

Well, I am still alive, but I had loads of mini liquid filled blisters all over my hands this morning and my hands are a little sore.


People do not respect others lifestyles unless you have a doctor confirmed allergy. I have been guilty of this before I guess, but I will show them my hands today and maybe they won’t offer me wheat and especially dairy again.

I am wondering if, once my eczema has cleared, if I could reintroduce dairy. We shall see. I will experiment. Since I have had a cold and cough the last few weeks, I haven’t noticed any improved congestion or sinus type issues yet. I am hoping a dairy free diet will get rid of my year round ‘cold’.

So on Friday I weighed myself again, and I was 69.9 kgs!! yipeeeee…..I hope I stay in the 60’s forever now, but at the lower end of the scale (or the 50’s that would be a dream!)

Have a fab weekend!! xx

Day 4

Such imaginative titles I am using.

Good Morning!!

Thank goodness for ‘my fitness pal’ app or I would never remember everything I ate.


2 scrambled eggs with tinned tomato – this is soooo yummy. My sister got the recipe off a friend and it’s so much better than scrambled eggs on it’s own.

2 sausages and mushrooms and some spinach. (They were gluten free sausages, Rankin ones – really scrummy)


Lunch: 2 oranges and strawberries


James suddenly said ‘ lets go out for dinner – my treat’ and I couldn’t refuse. We decided to chose the new Hungry Horse in Westwood cross. They had a gluten free menu so I ordered from there, chicken new Yorker, basically a chicken breast with a slice of bacon. There was supposed to be bbq sauce and a slice of cheese too but I asked for the cheese to be removed, and subsequently there was no bbq sauce either, but I’m not too bothered as it probably would have contained a lot of sugar. It came with peas and chips.

It was quite busy, our food was supposed to be up to a 30 minute wait, but it came 55 minutes later. Henry was very unhappy and hungry by that time so those extra 20 minutes were pretty stressful. I eventually managed to put him back in his highchair and eat my meal.

I realised afterwards that chips on the menu were not down as gluten free. You’d think they’d tell me that when ordering from the GLUTEN FREE MENU! I’m guessing they are fried in the same oil as wheat products maybe.

Not a great success, James’s chips weren’t even cooked. I couldn’t be bothered complaining at the time as we just needed to get henry home, but I will email them. (I am a queen complainer lol)

I left the restaurant full-ish but not satisfied.

A few hours later, I settled down to watch a bit of Grimm on Netflix, and I wanted something to eat. I wanted chocolate or something sweet. I ended up eating a 90g bag of sweet and salty popcorn, which obviously had some sugar in it. I didn’t mean to eat the whole bag. After that I was still hungry, and being greedy I ate 2 slices of (GF) toast, one with chicken, and one with peanut butter and half a banana. I was VERY stuffed after this. I over did it.

I had around 1800 kcalories yesterday.

Now was this down to possibly eating some wheat/gluten? Making me hungry, or is it maybe that because I was stressed whilst eating dinner that I felt as though I hadn’t eaten? I don’t know, but I should have had a bit more willpower.

Nevermind, tomorrow is another day and I will do the best I can.

Enjoy everyone!

PS. I did notice my face was a little itchy that evening and my hands were slightly irritated. I’ve also had a few spots that were just disappearing that have come out again. NO more sugar for me!

Day 3

Good morning.

So day 3 was yesterday, it went pretty well.

Breakfast: spinach, 2 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon, 1 slice of wheat free toast and a cup of tea with almond milk.

Lunch: 2 oranges and an apple (I wasn’t very hungry but was going out soon and knew I’d get caught out if I didn’t eat)

Dinner: had a bag of chip shop chips, small, with salt and vinegar. A bit naughty but it was that or nothing and I really didn’t want nothing lol. I resisted the batter covered fish,but I’m guessing the chips are fried in the same oil.

I took my mum to Broadstairs train station that afternoon as the Orient Express was stopping there so the passengers could get off for oysters and champagne, and there was a brass band playing. There were quite a few people there to watch. It was a really nice atmosphere and felt really exciting for some reason! I bet all the passengers felt really special as they were all dressed up and walking around with their delicate champagne glassses.



That evening about 9 I was really hungry again so had 2 slices of toast. One with a chicken slice and the other with hazelnut butter – and yes, I tried it- strawberries. 

I’ve got a cold so I couldn’t taste much to be honest.

I did notice that a few hours after the chips my skin was very irritated and itchy. I won’t  be having chips again in a hurry- unless they’re homemade. 

So that was my day, about 1200 kcals though I had to guess the chips dinner calories. 

It was very hazy and polluted here in the UK yesterday and I did notice it as my asthma was playing up. I also seem to have a cough. If you analysed my diet and symptoms now you might say – eating no sugar wheat or dairy is really bad for you haha!!

I feel much less bloated and healthier already so I know it’s all good.

Keep up the good work everyone  


The dreaded Monday weigh in

Hi everyone

Sooo I didn’t post this weekend. I didn’t feel very motivated.
I was good all Saturday, I had steak and sauté potatoes for dinner, valentines dinner.  Then I had 3/4 of a bottle of wine and James had bought me some ‘mini eggs’ chocolates. The two didn’t go together very well, it made the wine too sweet and the choc seemed to fizz in my stomach.
Sunday we dropped henry off to my sisters and had a peaceful toby carvery breakfast (I must get shares lol)
I had no toast so was doing well. Then I had a fish finger roll for dinner then two more rolls later with ham/cheese.  Id also eaten biscuits in the afternoon.
Bad bad bad.
Well I paid for it this morning.  I weighed 11.6! How is it possible to put on 3 lbs. Im hoping its just water weight or something.
Stupid body.

Today I’ve been good
B: porridge with banana
L : soup. I really wanted to have a roll but had to FORCE myself not to. Cauliflower rice with carrot.
S: 2 yogs, apple.
D: chicken breast with 3 croquettes and peas.

So, let us see what tomorrow brings…
Sweet dreams xx

P.s did you see the latest episode of Broadchurch?  It’s soooo good!

Mitt’le of the week

Good morning/afternoon/evening

Today my weight was the same as yesterday. Boo no loss today.  But then I did eat cheerios last night.  Silly me.

Well today I’ve been ok
B: porridge with banana
L : 2 fried eggs, an avocado, a bit of leftover meatloaf
S: chicken breast and 2 muffins*
D:ready packaged stir fry with a chicken breast. It was so big I could only eat half!

*Ok so I baked again. I say not to fall for substitutes; and then spent ages googling ‘low carb recipes’ haha.
Well I made almond flour blueberry muffins.  Yum.
Used this recipe


Was pretty good. Chucked a banana in there too.
I suppose if I continue to lose weight then it shouldn’t matter really.
I haven’t eaten much veg lately though.  I need to get back on the crudités BIG TIME.

Watching the music channel as I type this, Taylor Swift’s music videos crack me up – she’s definitely playing up on the fact that the media makes her out to be a fickle man playing nutcase (which she may well be)

I’m thinking I may make up a recipe myself soon. I kind of know what goes together to create a workable recipe. Watch this space.

Another thing about music videos – don’t you hate it when the video only shows the singer for like a second at a time so you can’t get a good look at them. I wanna see how thin or fat they are, what they are wearing,  if they look stupid or what!  I can’t do that in one second intervals! 

Im sure I’ll have an apple or yoghurt or another muffin later.

Laters everyone hope you’ve all been good! Xx

4 days in

Good morning!

Today I didn’t have a loss, but my weight is the same as yesterday which is the 2nd best option.

Start weight : 11.7, 72.9, 160.8
Today’s weight : 11.5, 72.0, 158.8
Total loss : 2lbs, ( 900g )

Last night we ended up all having steak with peas and sweetcorn and henry and I had cauliflower rice,  which he does like.

Yesterday was a bit of a peckish day. In the evening I ended up making some low carb banana muffins using this recipe.


Well I’m assuming they are low carb, I used peanut butter and almond flour and chucked in a little black chocolate.
They didn’t taste so good last night while they were still hot (did still eat 2 tho haha) but this morning,  yup you guessed it- I’ve had 2 for breakfast and they are much nicer cold.

Today’s food:
B: 2 banana muffins
L: err 3 cups of tea and a bit more banana muffin.(what! I had company!!)
D: cauliflower rice with chicken and peas.

Yesterday afternoon I ate a third of an atkins bar. They are very expensive,  usually around £1.95 EACH for a 60g bar. I bought them for when I just wanted something nice…but I had awful wind afterwards.  (TMI) this happened last time too so I won’t be eating them again.

I drink 2-3litres of water a day too. I’m not sure if I’m going into ketosis as I don’t know how low carb I’m being especially as I am eating fruit, but my breath doesn’t taste great- haha I’m sure other people are more offended.
Will go stock up on chewing gum……….

Sorry I haven’t added any pictures yet,  both my phone and my kindle won’t upload for some reason.

In case you’re wondering,  I do have a few snacks during the day too, an apple and a low carb sandwich with ham (using homemade flax seed and almond flour)
I will upload this post tonight once I’ve eaten all my meals so that I don’t need to correct myself the next day.

I’ve felt a little dizzy today,  I think it’s because I didn’t have a proper breakfast or lunch.  I’d better weigh skinny tomorrow! !!!

Well,  not much happening – hope you all had a good day xx