Tag Archive | kit kats

Big woops


Err big woops, I have not posted for a looooong time!

What have I been doing? Who knows haha!!

Well, I have been eating healthily on and off. I keep losing and regaining the same 7 pounds, which wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t need to lose another 30lbs!

I have not done dukan for a while, or strictly paleo or low carb. Or the perfect health diet. There are too many diets.

They are all kind of similar really (don’t scream) as they focus on good whole real food, which is the most important message to get out there I think.

My daily diet is trying to eat as healthily as possible, getting good fats, trying not eat too many carbs, and staying away from sugar wheat and dairy,

I did go through a bit of a binge lately and was eating kit kats like there was no tomorrow. I could not stop myself. I was craving sugar and salt and just couldn’t stop eating to be honest. Food was on my mind constantly.

Now, I don’t know what’s changed, I seem to get these binge urges once a month LOL, but sometimes when I set my mind to something I can snap out of it.

OK  –  don’t kill me! I’ve started the WHOLE30.


I think I’ve done more diets than anyone! And I’m still fat…..there must be a reason behind all of this…..

Ok, so I know whole30 is a lifestyle diet (we seem to have lost the meaning of the word diet) but it kicks out all the crap and will hopefully put me on the right path.

I am on day three and am doing ok so far. I know I have definitely eaten too much potato (sweet & normal) but I can’t think of anything else to eat with each meal.

The good thing about this is that you’re not allowed to weigh yourself for the whole 30 days. Bit of a relief really. (I still weigh 71k booo)

My food diary looks something like this:

Breakfast: sautéed cabbage with scrambled egg and leftover sweet potato (see, I don’t always eat all of it!)

Lunch: tuna with salad, spring onion, err new potatoes,

Snack: apple with some almonds and walnuts

Dinner: cauliflower rice with onion and tomato and bacon.

So, wish me luck (for the hundredth time….)

Speak soon!! Watch this space for more……………..blogs coming up!!

Shannon xx